Divya Badlani


With a dash of humour and a ton of determination, Divya is the powerhouse of the Firm.

With the first glance of youthful exuberance and a sense of humour for the most stressful situations, Divya is a force to be reckoned with. She is our maverick negotiator who is meticulous, strategic, and someone you should rely on to find creative problem-solving solutions.

Being a fervent advocate for ethical work culture with a passion that runs deep for mental health, she is a culture ambassador at the firm, working constantly to establish a work environment that’s flexible and nurturing of diverse needs.

Divya possesses an innate ability to provide advice across a wide spectrum of general corporate and M&A matters. Her prior experience includes working on diverse commercial transactions across various sectors with a notable emphasis on the intricate landscape of the Mental Healthcare domain.

What distinguishes Divya is her remarkable ability to foster trust among a diverse clientele, despite her relatively young age. Clients turn to her with confidence, recognizing her exceptional capacity to grasp commercial intricacies and deliver practical, innovative solutions.

In a world where “normal” is overrated, Divya is rewriting the rules!

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